There are many different locations in which combat can occur. However, due to the nature of dungeons, often
times it's in a confined space. It could be inside a small building,
inside the tunnels of a mine, or on a floating platform. Regardless,
these kinds of situations restrict the movement of players and
enemies alike and come with their own challenges. It is these
elements that I hope to discuss. As always, I'd be happy to hear
other opinions.
Getting Locked Down
One of my big enemies when designing combat encounters is the static
encounter. I don't want my players to get locked into one position
where they'll just spend their turns rolling dice and nothing else.
The problem is that confined places make it easier for this to occur.
There isn't much distance to cross so the enemy can quickly get up
close. There is also often nowhere to go. In systems that have some
form of penalty for leaving reach, moving away is often not worth the
penalty and we end up with a static encounter. In a confined space
this is compounded further. Even if we do try to move away, there's
often not much room for us to move.
Quick Encounters
One of the best solutions I've found in these kinds of situations is
for the encounter not to last long. This way, even if players do get
locked into a position, combat will be over soon after. What this
often means is enemies are easily dropped and tend to deal a large
amount of damage. This can be a bit hard to balance, particularly at higher
levels, since this kind of combat can be very swingy. At low levels
most enemies do a fairly large amount of damage relative to the
health of a player character anyway. However, doing things this way
ensures that the position chosen matters (a good position will result
in fewer resources lost) but avoids the long slog. They can do normal amounts of damage too, but in
that case it'll be a series of encounters that tries to chip away at
the party. It naturally
doesn't work as well with set-piece encounters though. In those cases
you'll want something else since the idea is to have something a bit
longer and more epic.
Sub-Optimal Dungeon Master Actions
It takes two sides to get locked down. What this means is that in
situations where you can't reasonably expect players to move since
it's against their own interests, you can break the stalemate. This
way things get to be more dynamic. So what if your NPC gets an
opportunity attack against it? The player can now move now and make
for an interesting encounter. Of course, there will be times when
someone will get past the player. This is great because the players
will now need to decide how to deal with the NPC that slipped past
their defenses. In some cases, though, this won't make sense. It will
also get stale quickly if we take the same sub-optimal actions every
time. The enemy shouldn't be leaving reach only for the sake of
making combat more interesting. There should be an in-game reason for
doing so, such as wanting to take out the spellcaster or retrieve an
item held by a different player.
In a confined area with no obstacles, often the only thing blocking
line of sight and preventing movement are other people. In a small
enough place this can be a real limiting factor. However, we can also
put obstacles into the area to further block line of sight in certain
situations and extend the movement needed to reach someone. Sometimes
these kinds of constraints can be exactly what we need to change
things up. The extra distance can also work wonders for creating
different kinds of situations. We want to keep multiple paths so that
meaningful decisions involving movement still need to be made. With
small enough rooms, we can link multiple ones together to make a less
uniform area.Not all obstacles will prevent both line of sight and movement. It could be one or the other.
Bends in the Road
reason I thought of this topic was because of a situation I ran into
during one of my sessions. The session involved some plane and time
hopping. Naturally, the players had found themselves in trenches in a
roughly WW1 situation where I had used a tile set
to build a trench system. One particular combat encounter happened
around the bend in the trench. Different characters were lying in
wait for people to try to peek around while others party members were peeking
around and trying to attract attention. One tried to use the flooring to build some impromptu cover.
It's a different kind of encounter but it's one worth considering.
It's also something that can be kept in mind when creating an
encounter close to a bend in a dungeon. You may accidentally run into
this situation. In this case, the confined space itself provides ways
to break line of sight. Doorways can result in similar situations as
can other choke points.
Temporary Area Denial
Confined areas can be full of many things. Some of these things are
flammable and can prevent certain areas from being used. I say this
because in my last session, a barrel caught in a fireball ended up
exploding and blocked off access to part of the room. Traps are
another common method to temporarily block access to part of a room.
This is especially true for some traps that need to be reset since
once they are set off, they may be no-longer a hazard. If there was a
span of time since players were there, rain could have made rather
large muddles or have made certain parts of the dungeon slippery.
When possible though, don't forget to apply them to your own NPCs
unless they have some kind of immunity. There is nothing wrong with a
fire-immune demon walking through a wall of flames or a ghost walking
straight through a trap. However, your regular bandit shouldn't be
able to without consequences.
Random Events
Even in confined spaces, some interesting events can occur to break
things up. A third group could join the fight, the statue in the
centre of the room could be attacking the party and their enemy
indiscriminately, shells could be exploding (in the case of the
trench example above) or a host of other situations. From my
experience the ones that work best will somehow chance the area.
Either areas will be further restricted, new temporary ways of
breaking line of sight appear, or obstacles previously there are
taken away.