A good Dungeon Master is able to bring a location to life. An
important part of doing so is to provide details on locations.
However, especially for new Dungeon Masters, it can be a challenge.
For that reason I hope to cover a few basic tips that should help
make bring locations to life and make them memorable.
Other than Sight
I tend to fine just about every Dungeon Master I've played with is
able to describe the visuals of an area. There may be some details
left out that would have really helped to bring the location to life,
but the visuals of a location will still be explained. However, I
find that sound and smell are often left out. Temperature can be very
important too but I find this is usually handled brought up when
dealing with extremes but not mentioned when going into an
underground cavern.
How Much to Describe?
You don't want to spend too long describing a room because the game
has to keep rolling. Also, keep in mind that the players can ask you
questions about the location. However, I try to make sure the visual
aspects of the room are described (if you use miniatures, the grid
and map layout help greatly) because they are incredibly important to
combat considerations. Light and obscurement are also important here
so that you and the players don't forget about any bonuses or
penalties they may have from these factors (these factors also don't
appear on the board if you forget). However, I also try to describe
noteworthy sounds or lack of them as well intense smells. These other
elements are extremely important when they act as a warning to the
players (noises and a foul smell coming from the other side of the
Forgetting to Describe Changes
One problem I've seen is that certain senses will get attention in a
certain room (rotting smell) but won't be addressed when you move
into another room. In my case, my players understand that if I don't
change my description, the sound or smell is still present unless it
doesn't make sense (if you travel away from town and into the forest,
you won't hear crowds anymore). However, your players might also
assume that if you don't describe a sound or smell, it is neutral.
It's important that the Dungeon Master understands what their players
assume and treats them accordingly. For me and my players, having to
think through this can break immersion. It's also generally good to
establish an understanding with your players so that they realize
sometime you may forget and they should ask if they aren't sure.
One of the most memorable things for my players is transitions. How
does the room come to life when the light of their torches peels back
the dark? Does something reflect the light back (reflections can
create uniqueness by themselves)?
Aim for One Unique Thing
I try to make sure that one part of my dungeon or session is
something unique my players will remember. There can be obvious parts
such as a shocking plot development or a challenging fight. However,
it can be a weird and unique room that captures their imagination.
One example I can think of recently is that there was a room we
entered that was brightly lit but where nothing cast a shadow. It's
those kinds of descriptions and unique details that can etch
themselves into the memories of your players.
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